What Should My Family Wear to the Session?

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, what you wear in photos can make all the difference.

 It happened; you booked your family session!  *Cue the excited applause*  If you are like me, you have been thinking about it for a year. Or three.

However, amid the joy, there comes a familiar dilemma - what should everyone wear for the shoot?

Don't worry; you're not alone in this predicament. Dressing up for a family session can be nerve-wracking, but with a little guidance, you can strike the perfect balance between style and comfort, allowing your family's true personality to shine through in the pictures.

Here are some things to consider before making any decisions.

1. Embrace Your Family's Unique Style:

Before diving into fashion tips, remember to stay true to your family's personality and style. Let your loved ones wear outfits that make them feel awesome, even if it means pink tutus, tuxedos, or even pajamas! Authenticity is key to capturing genuine and heartwarming moments.

2. Choose a Color Theme, but Avoid Matchy-Matchy:

Opt for a color theme that represents your family's favorite color. For instance, if blue is the chosen color, each family member can wear different shades of blue. Avoid dressing everyone head-to-toe in the same outfit; instead, mix and match with complementary colors to create a harmonious and natural look.

3. Steer Clear of Heavy Sequins and Intense Patterns:

While glitzy sequins and bold patterns may look appealing, they can cause unwanted reflections and distractions in the photographs. Opt for simpler, elegant attire that keeps the focus on your family's joy and togetherness.

4. Consider Your Skin Tone:

Choose colors that enhance your family's skin tones. Cooler-toned individuals can try blues, purples, and primary colors, while warmer-toned members may look stunning in olive greens or peachy corals. Experiment with different colors in front of a mirror to see how they complement your skin tone.

5. Dress Appropriately for the Weather and Location:

Plan your outfits according to the weather and the location of the shoot. Layer up in cooler temperatures and avoid wearing unsuitable footwear, especially if the location is muddy or requires lots of movement. The key is to be comfortable and at ease during the session.

In the end, the most important aspect of a family photo session is capturing the love and happiness shared among your loved ones. So, let go of any worries about finding the perfect outfits, and focus on having fun together! When everyone feels confident and comfortable, the resulting pictures will radiate genuine warmth and joy, making them timeless treasures hanging on your walls. Embrace your family's unique style, choose a cohesive color theme, and consider each individual's skin tone to create a naturally stunning and memorable family photo session.


Lia Jay

Lifestyle and natural light photographer


Family Sessions - Why Every Family Needs One